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On Twitter this morning SPM member Stacy Hurt announced that the big pharma conference DIA Global in Boston this June is #PatientsIncluded. Several levels of support are available, including one full scholarship including travel expenses, plus ten free patient registrations to the whole conference.

The deadline to apply is Friday, March 31. Even without a scholarship, they offer patient registration rates that are 80%+ reduced from the list price.

Here’s Stacy’s tweet, then details below.

1: The full scholarship: an extraordinary #PatientsIncluded offer

DIA calls this program Patient Partners, and I’ve never seen anything more participatory.

For the full scholarship, you must agree to attend all four days – to really participate. In exchange you get not just free registration, but travel, hotel and per diem. From their application:

The DIA Patient Partner Program exists to provide educational opportunities to patients and advocates who would not otherwise be supported (e.g. through a project, grant or professional source) to attend the conference. In addition, patient partners may participate in unique opportunities to advance understanding of the value of patient engagement in medical product development.

Full Program Benefit: For US applicants only;

  • Round trip coach air or train fare;
  • 4 nights at one of the hotels within the DIA room block (room + tax);
  • 4 days per diem for miscellaneous travel expense;
  • registration fee for the main meeting waived.

Note that as a full Patient Partner, you’re expected to contribute, not just receive:

Successful applicants are expected to:

  • Participate at a pre-conference meeting, happening in Q2 2023.
  • Attend all days of the Conference.
  • Provide feedback on their experience in a one-hour webinar taking place one week after the end of the Conference.
  • Contribute, through a written testimony, or to an article for a DIA publication, following the conference.

Is this level right for you? It’s a big commitment with big benefits. Review the conference program to see. Use this application form.

2: Or, free registration for 10 qualified applicants:

Aside from the one full scholarship, the registration fee (virtual or IRL) can be waived for up to ten approved patient partners:

  • Registration Fees: Virtual access to GAM content from any geographic region, or for Local attendees, the registration fee will be complimentary.
  • Local attendees will have their registration fees waived, no travel or per diem will be provided.

To apply for these spaces, use that same form by March 31 (but check different boxes). Note that, again, you will be expected to participate:

  • Participate at a pre-conference meeting, happening in Q2 2023.
  • Attend all days of the Conference.
  • Provide feedback on their experience in a one-hour webinar taking place one week after the end of the Conference.
  • Contribute, through a written testimony, or to an article for a DIA publication, following the conference.

3: Patient advocate reduced rate

Finally, there are two levels of patient discounts off the industry price: the normal patient rate ($425) is 82% off the list price of $2,365, and if you register by May 19 it’s even cheaper:

DIA 2023 offers a special registration fee for patients and patient organization representatives of $265, if registered by May 19. After May 19, the standard patient registration rate of $425 will apply.

Register using the patient advocate rate via this form (PDF) by May 31.

Spread the word!

Again, the deadline to apply for a scholarship (free registration or full including travel) is Friday, March 31, and to register with the patient advocate rate it’s May 31.

Related podcast

After I keynoted the DIA Europe conference in 2019 we did an episode of their podcast to dig further into participatory medicine. (Clicking image opens the podcast on a new page)




Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
