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This springs up from a Twitter discussion this morning. It’s Atul Gawande’s fault, for his book “Checklists.” :-) Forward-thinking clinicians are doing it; participatory patients should to.  Let’s get to work.

Checklists in hospitals can dramatically reduce infections; checklists in the operating room can prevent all kinds of simple human errors even among brilliant conscientious people. There’s evidence for that.

Non-Twitter people, ignore the Twitter shorthand – this is just a quick way for me to capture the public discussion:

Me: RT @LeanBlog @flinchbaugh: A good read…What Sort of Checklist Should You Be Using? – Justin Fox – HBR

@Lygeia: What would a checklist specifically for patients look like?

Me: Did you see Peter Pronovost in NYTimes last week on that? Do you know @TrishaTorrey’s “You Bet Your Life” book?

@Lygeia: “You Bet Your Life” by @TrishaTorrey looks closest–I just bought it–thanks!

@PNSchmidt (a Parkinson’s Disease specialist): My org and PDSociety UK have checklists for patients:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer Portfolio likes the discussion:
RT @ePatientDave: Great question! Let’s discuss RT @Lygeia: @ePatientDave What would a checklist specifically for patients look like?

A new voice (new to me), INQRI, pops up (“The Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative does research to understand how nurses contribute to and can improve the quality of patient care.”:
patient checklist might include: have list of current meds, tell every1 to wash hands, ask questions

@Lygeia: Thanks @pnschmidt I especially like patient checklist at

@Lygeia: A streamlined, smartphone-based patient checklist would be cool INQRIProgram @pioneerrwjf, @ePatientDave

@INQRIProgram: you may be interested in some work we’ve done involving patients’ contributions to quality.

What do you think?


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e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
