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Our Society for Participatory Medicine is growing in membership and in projects and teams. If you’re a member, have you considered leading a team? If you’re not, have you considered joining? The message below was posted last weekend by co-founder and chairman Dr. Danny Sands, to the members-only Open Forum on our SPM Connect community. 

Like many associations, SPM has concentric circles of leadership (all volunteers) who work tirelessly to advance the Society and its mission.

  • The senior leadership comprises the chair, president, president-elect, past-president/vice-chair, and the acting executive director.
  • The executive committee adds the secretary, treasurer, and members-at-large (so all the other officers).
  • Then there are additional board members that round out the board of directors.

Finally, although not part of the board, we have a number of committees that each have leaders (although some are in need of leadership right now).

You can see our current board here.

Our committees/initiatives and chairs are here. Admin note: originally this listed the initiatives, but it changes over time, so now we’re linking to the list on our site.

Committees in need of leadership:

  • Governance (includes updating our bylaws)
  • Membership
  • Nominations (the yearly cycle will start mid-2019)

We are currently seeking nominations for the positions of president-elect (which is a year as president-elect, a year as president, and a year as past-president/vice-chair), treasurer (3-year term), and two members-at-large.

We are also looking for committee chairs and members, including for many that already have leadership listed.

The general responsibilities of officers are outlined in the bylaws, and more detailed expectations of all board members are listed in our board orientation document.

If you are interested in executive/board positions then please reach out:

  • Current members, contact an officer per this post on SPM Connect
  • To become a member (just $50/year individual), join here. When our systems update overnight you’ll have immediate access to Connect.

But you don’t have to be a board member to lead one of the above initiatives – we’d love to have more projects led by the general membership. (That’s participatory!)

We’d like to have new officers installed by Jan 1, so explore and inquire now. Everything we do is through the hard work of our members. Thank you for your participation.


Please consider supporting the Society by joining us today! Thank you.

e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
