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2016: Opportunities and Challenges in Health Care

In 2016, mHealth technology will occupy center stage in transforming clinical care and clinical research.  Smartphone-linked wearable sensors will turn science fiction into reality as these mobile diagnostic tools provide the in depth information that enables   ...

Alternative Choices for Healthcare: What are the Options?

I was at dinner with friends recently when I noticed that my right thumb was red, swollen and painful.  One of my friends is a biochemist and instructed me to immediately soak the finger in hot water.  I continued our social evening dipping my right thumb in and out...

Misdiagnosis: A Chronic Condition Looking for a Cure

According to a report in the BMJ Quality and Safety Journal, each year in the U.S. approximately 12 million adults or 1 out of 20 patients who seek outpatient medical care, are misdiagnosed in a way that could cause severe harm. These alarming statistics are further...
