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Turning Pain into Power through Advocacy

Turning Pain into Power through Advocacy

When I heard the words, “You have Lupus,” I didn’t know the magnitude of how much my life was going to be tested. It started in 1980 when rashes and unexplained fevers plagued my life. Seeing doctors about my symptoms led to solutions that were only temporary. Fifteen...
Collaborative Notes, Engaged Partners, Fewer Errors

Collaborative Notes, Engaged Partners, Fewer Errors

Patients, care partners & clinicians can reduce record errors with collaborative notes. Dr. Peter Elias shares his note-writing with collaborative partners. Proem Expecting an error-free medical record seems unreasonable – too many opportunities, too many forces,...
Patient Advocates on National Boards: Mind the Sausage

Patient Advocates on National Boards: Mind the Sausage

Engaging patients differs depending on the role. Those on national Boards lead, strategize, advocate, communicate. Adam Thompson is on the Board of NQF. Listen in. Proem As a nurse, I studied individual health. Then I became a student of organizational health. That...
Linnea Olson: An Appreciation of a Giant

Linnea Olson: An Appreciation of a Giant

Pioneers of medical progress are lauded in published articles and by their professional peers. But it is often the patient advocates, particularly those who demanded better treatment, spearheaded clinical trial advances, and bravely took on institutions and standards...
