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Participants: Nick Dawson, Dave deBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Julia Pagan, Danny Sands, Josh Seidman, Jon Wald, Peggy Zuckerman

Minutes approved

Executive Committee News
Dave deBronkart: The Feb 14 edition of the BMJ will include a 23 article supplement on patient-centered care. Dave is one of the contributors to the supplement and will also be participating in a round table on patient-centered care. Dave will also be serving as a visiting professor at Mayo Clinic, March 23-25, 2015.

Nick Dawson presented a talk at the American College of Radiology on participatory medicine. The Organization is now interested in developing a series of interviews for their blog and a video on participatory medicine which could showcase our members.

Peggy Zuckerman is working with Roche to develop a clinical trial that will involve patients, for an Alzheimer’s drug.

Strategic Focus
The Executive Committee has scheduled a two-hour conference call to discuss our strategic focus and the production of an SPM 2.0 white paper. It is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb.3, from 4-6 pm.

Board of Directors
Danny reported that the full Board of Directors list will be available after the first of the year.

International Chapters

Donna Cryer has put together a Google Document on how we will work with international chapters that will be reviewed by the Executive Committee.