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Members Present:  Mary Hennings, Eric Bersh, Joe Ternullo, Randy Houk, Danny Sands, Brian Mack

Full attendance record available here.

Welcome: Mary


Minutes from last committee meeting

Delayed to next meeting.

 2022 Fundraising Calendar & Update: Randy

Reviewed calendar.  Small grant offered from Mass Health (IRB needed).  View calendar In SPM Dev folder.  Also reviewed budgets.

Board giving update: Mary


Grant review process: Mary

Covered in Randy’s report.

Connect Status: Danny

Large group interested in working on this. They believe Board should be using Connect for discussions. Mary already doing monthly Board updates.  Mary suggests examining metrics on Connect usage.  Working group considering possible alternatives to Connect.  Google doc in Exec. Committee folder.

Governance Update and Board evaluation: Mary & Joe

New by-laws, compliance, procedures in the works.

Website: Mary

Dennis working on format and framework.  Working with Grohol and Sands.  Brochureware available; what can we do to change our look and functionality?

 Adjourned at  6:55 — Next meeting: March 8, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary