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Members Present:  Mary Hennings, Eric Bersh, Randy Houk, Judy Danielson, Astra Titus, Jay Spitulnik, Danny Sands, Tim Blevins, Kistein Monkhouse, Sarah Krűg

Welcome: Mary

Approve last meeting minutes: Mary

Delayed until next meeting.

ED Update: Randy

Carequest back as potential 2023 funder.  We owe NRC four CLEs.  Healthsparq in running for 2023 event.  Jen White, CPA is our new bookkeeper.

CLE Update: Randy

Debrief on Thursday, 10/27.  32 + attended Brown Advisory event, although there may have been more.  Replanning marginalized communities initiative. Mary discussed CLE content and predictability. Danny asked how can we operationalize all the issues that come up in prepping for a conference. Astra comments that we learned a lot from Brown and it should get easier as we move to future events. Mary asks how do we grow the content?  Randy says feedback from Brown was positive. Rapid-cycle-improvement as a method (suggested by Astra). Jay says we need to put into context that people are still involved with COVID and that may have had an effect on how the CLE went and was attended. Jay talked about expectations – we shouldn’t under- or overestimate attendance and responses.

Board Recruiting: Vote

Eric to reach out to Susan S.  Jay suggests we review with Dan, Liz and Brenda to gauge their ongoing interest.  Astra motions a vote on three candidates.  Jay seconds.  Anonymous approval.  1) Dan Halpern-Ruder, MD; 2) Brenda Merriweather; 3) Liz Boehm (Stryker).  Brenda: Unanimious.  Dan Halpern-Ruder: Jay motions.  Second by Danny S. Sands says Dan H-L wants to give back.  Unanimous.  Liz: Sarah motions / Danny seconds.  No discussion.  Unanimous. Judy says we need to focus on strategic or execution side of marketing.  A person who can execute (as opposed to just plan) would be a better choice.

Other Business and Updates: Discussion

Tim and Judy are both leaving the SPM board.  Mary reads a Resolution for Tim.  Danny / Jay.  Unanimous.  Big thank you to him.  Mary reads resolution for Judy.  Danny / Jay.  Unanimous.  Big thanks to Judy.

Adjourned at  7:32 p.m.  Next meeting: November 22, 2022, 6:00 – 7:30 pm ET

Respectfully submitted,

Eric N Bersh, SPM Board Secretary