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Meeting Minutes

The Society regularly conducts meetings of its executive committee and board on a regular, ongoing basis. The Executive Committee takes care of the organization’s day-to-day business, while the Board sets the strategic vision and helps the leadership successfully execute the vision.

Executive Committee Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee Minutes

Executive Meeting Minutes July 19th

Agenda 1. Board meeting 7/19 planning (Alan, Sarah, Danny) 2. Board reconstitution, nominations, and elections update 3. Strategic plan update (Sarah) 4. Seal update (Alan) 5. Executive director (John) 6. Forum platform (John, others) 7. Mendeley update (Gonzalo)...

ONC / SPM Collaboration Follow-up

June 19th 12noon-1p Sarah K., Danny S., Alan G., Deb L., Lygeia Ricciardi and other select ONC representatives. Follow up on Patient Access to Data:  Work needed to propel this project forward in 3 future focus areas that might be of interest to SPM: Blue Button...

June 14th Exec Committee Minutes

Seal program update Castle Connolly that Danny and Alan will be meeting with because they do physician searches Lenox Hill Project (medical center apart of Long Island Jewish that wants to train their medical students to understand the patient experience better) IHI 1...

May 31st Exec Committee Minutes

11:30 am EST, May 31, 2012. Attendees: Danny Sands, Sarah Krug, Sue Woods, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, John Grohol, Deb Linton, Michael Millenson Beta for Gold Seal program to be shown Wednesday, June 6, at Health Data Institute/Datapalooza in DC. Will have a functioning web...

May 3rd Executive Minutes

Present: Danny S. Michael M., Sarah K., Alan G., Gonzolo B., David Harlow,  John G., Deb L. 1. Minutes from last meeting The ONC is looking for patients panelists and  SPM Board of Directors Panelists for HDI in Washington, DC (Deb to follow up with Damon) Alan,...

SPM / ONC Meeting

Attendees: SPM Danny Sands Alan Greene Deb Linton Michael Millenson Sarah Krug ONC Lygeia Ricciardi Damon Davis Agenda: 1.       Introductions 2.       History and purpose of SPM (Alan) 3.       Strategic Plan (Sarah) 4.       Initiatives Sampling 5.       ONC...

April 19 Executive Minutes

Thursday April 19th Present: Sarah K., John G., Gonzalo B., Alan G., Sue W., Michael M. Minutes from prior meeting (Deb) Quarterly Board Meeting (Alan) President of the board to put together agenda - this will be either Sarah/Danny The larger board meeting is normally...

April 5 Executive Minutes

Thursday, April 5th, 12noon EST Sarah K., Danny S., Alan G., John G., Michael M., Gonzalo B., Sue W. 1.    Minutes from prior meeting (Deb) 2.     Old business a.     Year in review collection (Deb) no update Deb to schedule time with Danny to review a compilation of...

March 22nd Executive Minutes

Present: Sarah K Sue W Michael M Gonzalo B Danny S Alan G John G Deb L 1.      Minutes (Deb) 2.      Seal update (Alan) we're considering 4-3 tents of the seal Advisory council aspirational Elise Singer MD MBA getting looped in John evaluating the tech to execute this...

Feb 9th Abbreviated Exec Minutes

1.      Review of larger Jan 19th board meeting (Alan) 2.      Election results and action steps (Danny) 3.      Seal update (Alan) 4.      SWAG at HIMSS (John) 5.      Strategic planning update (Sarah) 6.      New business opportunity?  Consulting services....

Board Minutes

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