by Nancy Finn | Feb 7, 2018
Participants: Judy Danielson, Dave deBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Joe Ternullo, Linda Stotsky,, Danny Sands, Susan Woods, Jon Wald Debrief of Oct 25 Inaugural SPM Conference, Joe, Sarah We had an amazing team led by Joe and Sarah who...
by Nancy Finn | Feb 7, 2018
Participants: Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Joe Ternullo Minutes Approved SPM Conference October 25 55 people currently registered for the conference. We need to drive registration. The room will hold 100 plus individuals. The Executive Committee...
by Nancy Finn | Nov 13, 2017
Participants: Peter Elisa, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands, Linda Stotsky, Joe Ternullo, Susan Woods Minutes Approved Update on the Conference: Program. The agenda is being finalized and Sarah will post on SPM Connect....
by Nancy Finn | Oct 11, 2017
Participants: Peter Elisa, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands, Linda Stotsky, Joe Ternullo, Susan Woods Minutes Approved Update on the Conference Program. The agenda is being finalized and Sarah will post on SPM Connect....
by Nancy Finn | Oct 11, 2017
Participants: Dave DeBronkart, Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Sarah Krug, Danny Sands Linda Stotsky, Joe Ternullo, Jon Wald, Minutes Approved Joe asked for a volunteer to take minutes during Nancy Finn’s absence due to surgery Conference Update, Joe, Sarah We...
by Nancy Finn | Aug 31, 2017
Participants: Peter Elias, Nancy Finn, John Grohol, Danny Sands, Joe Ternullo, Jon Wald, Sue Woods, Minutes: Approved Conference – Update, Danny Sands We are actively recruiting for speakers; Will post a Save the Date to the membership on SPM Connect informing the...