“Participatory Medicine:
Transforming the Culture of Care”
October 25, 2017 • Seaport World Trade Center, Boston
7:30 am – 5:00 pm with reception to follow
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Meet up with colleagues and peers and get to know the Society and its members. Networking begins at registration and breakfast, and continues into the evening, as SPM joins the big reception that starts the Connected Health conference for the next two days.
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The era of patient-provider collaboration is materializing and transforming the culture of care. Culture change takes a generation, but the work is bearing fruit. Come hear from outstanding keynote speakers at the leading edge of participatory thought and practice:
- Tom Delbanco, MD, Harvard Medical School and OpenNotes, with Liz Salmi of OpenNotes
- Shannon Brownlee, MSc, Lown Institute and author of Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine is Making Us Sicker and Poorer
- Rushika Fernandopulle, MD, visionary primary care designer; founder and CEO of Iora Health
- Harlan Krumholz, MD, Yale School of Medicine and advocate for patient data rights
- Lori Wilson, MD, Howard University Hospital and Cancer Center – and highly engaged cancer patient
Additional topics in the day’s agenda include panels and discussions featuring patients, providers, and patient-centered care designers discussing topics like:
- Imperatives for medical education to foster collaborative and coordinated care
- Shared decision making
- “Design intervention” and its impact on health engagement
- And much more! See the full agenda below.
The conference is being held at the Seaport World Trade Center.
8:00 AM Welcome & Overview of Day
Joe Ternullo, SPM President
Sarah Krüg, Acting SPM Executive Director
8:10 AM Keynote #1:
People Power and Nervous Clinicians: The International March Toward Patient-held Record
Tom Delbanco, MD – Koplow-Tullis Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Liz Salmi – Senior Multimedia Communications Manager, OpenNotes
9:00 AM Panel #1:
Opportunities and Challenges in Patient Experience: What’s Next?
Pat Folcarelli RN, MA, PhD – VP, Silverman Institute for Health Care Quality and Safety, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Barbra Rabson – CEO, Massachusetts Health Quality Partners
Moderator: Susan Woods, MD, MPH – Founder, Nudg
10:05 AM Keynote #2:
Fireside Chat: A Cancer Surgeon Shares Her Story from Lab Coat to Patient
Lori Wilson, MD – Howard University Hospital and Cancer Center
Moderator: Sarah Krug – CEO, CANCER101; Founder, Health Collaboratory
10:45 AM Networking Break
11:05 AM – Keynote #3:
Leveling the Field: Rebalancing Power in the Clinical Relationship
Rushika Fernandopulle, MD – CEO of Iora Health
Moderator: “e-Patient Dave” deBronkart
11:40 AM Panel #2:
Knowledge, Heart, Courage: Looking for the Yellow Brick Road to Shared Decision Making
Susan Z. Berg, MS, LGC – Program Director Center for Shared Decision Making, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Keren Ladin, PhD, MSc – Assistant Professor, Departments of Occupational Therapy and Community Health, Tufts University Director, Research on Ethics, Aging, and Community Health (REACH Lab)
Erica Spatz, MD, MHS – Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cardiology, Yale School of Medicine
Danny van Leeuwen – Person Health Hats
Moderator: Geri Lynn Baumblatt, MA – Executive Director of Patient Engagement, Emmi/Wolters Kluwer
12:40 PM Lunch and networking
1:10 PM Meet the Sponsors
1:40 PM Table Topics – See below for details
2:35 PM Panel #3:
How Design-Thinking Improves Patient-Provider Collaboration and Outcomes
Patricia Beirne – Creative Lead, Design and Innovation at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Karen DaSilva – Vice President, Innovation at Atrius Health Innovation Center
Frank Licciardi – E-Patient
Juhan Sonin – Creative Director, Involution Studios
Moderator: Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH – CEO, engagedIN
3:35 PM Networking Break
3:45 PM Keynote #4:
Nothing About Me Without Me: Changing the Assumptions of Medicine
Harlan Krumholz, MD – Yale School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital
Moderator: Nancy Michaels, E-patient
4:25 PM Keynote #5:
Making Patients Participants: People Power Outside the Clinic
Shannon Brownlee, MSc – Lown Institute
Moderator: Darcy Daniels – Caregiver; Co-chair, Family Advisory Council, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children
4:55 PM Wrap Up
5:00 – 7:00 PM Networking Reception with Connected Health
Table Topics
Table topics are interactive, small group discussions led by the moderators listed below. Participants can choose which table topic discussion to join.
- Patient Participation on Steroids
Danny van Leeuwen, E-Patient, Health Hats
Lorraine & Gene Sacco, Patient Advocate, Caregiver; Co-founders, Reid R. Sasso Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Alliance - Imagining the Ideal Clinical Encounter: Before, During & After the Visit
Sarah Krug, CEO, CANCER101; Founder, Health Collaboratory
Catherine Rose, PhD, MBA, E-Patient - Patient & Clinician Satisfaction: What’s All the Fuss?
Dave deBronkart, E-Patient Dave
TBD - Family and Caregiver Role in Participatory Medicine
Geri Baumblatt, Executive Director of Patient Engagement, Emmi/Wolters Kluwer
Darcy Daniels, Caregiver; Co-chair, Family Advisory Council, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children - Journal of PM & Patient Voice in Publications
Jen Horonjeff, PhD, E-Patient, Founder & CEO of Savvy Cooperative
Sue Woods, MD, SPM, President-Elect - Technology and Participatory Medicine: Hope or Hype?
Danny Sands, MD, SPM Board Chair
Lilly Stairs, E-Patient, Head of Patient Advocacy, Clara Health - Do Patient Portals Have Value for Patients and Providers?
Nancy Finn, E-Patient, Healthcare Journalist
Jon Novack, Communications Director, Inspire - Redefining and Refining Medical Education for Participatory Medicine
Grace Cordovano, Cancer Patient Advocate,CEO, Enlightening Results
Peter Elias, MD, Retired family physician, Central Maine Medical Group
Nancy Michaels, E-Patient
Seaport Boston Hotel
1 Seaport Lane
Boston, MA 02210
Special room rates are available for the conference at the Seaport Boston Hotel. Reserve your rooms now.