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I’ll be blunt here: three years ago, late 2009, when I gave my first keynote speech ever, many observers said “Well Dave, that’s fine for you, but you’re the only one.” I replied: if I’m the only one, there’s nothing to talk about. And they were wrong: the e-patient movement is booming. We are many, and we’re being recognized.

This morning my Google Alert popped this up, on

Could ePatient Networks Become the Superdoctors of the Future?

It’s a re-post from Fast Company, the business magazine. And honestly, what I love most is that there’s not a word about me. The spotlighted e-patient is Sean Ahrens of Crohnology, about which we’ve written.

Numerous other companies are cited, too – including DiabetesMine, which was the first successful “exit” (as they say in Silicon Valley) for a patient community: they were the first to be acquired by another company. Also cited is 23andMe, which recently acquired our friends at CureTogether, a radically patient-based community where patients declare everything that’s important.

The other thing I love is that many many e-patients and vendors were at the MedicineX conference this weekend – and I’m not there, busily on the road carrying the message to other audiences.

We are many. We are spreading out. We are a new, growing industry, with real business impact. The movement is entering its next phase, a generation beyond its noisiest founders.




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e-Patient Dave

"e-Patient Dave" deBronkart is a co-founder of our Society and past board chair. He survived a near-fatal kidney cancer by being an e-patient long before he'd heard the word. Today he evangelizes participatory medicine, patient empowerment, and patient data access as a keynote speaker and at
