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Fools! Damn fools! And Medical Science. (Right, Santa??)

(To help you visualize the scene, see the famous Coca-Cola Santa image. Now imagine Peter Frishauf asking Santa for that train set!) Dear Santa, I always believed in you Santa. All those kids who said it wasn’t true, you weren’t real, well guess what: I knew you were....

Fixing Those Damn Lies

A new commentary on “Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science,” in the current issue of The Atlantic Monthly. [See also our previous post on the article, with dozens of comments, some of them excellent. And be sure to read Peter’s footnotes. -e-Patient Dave]...

A Troubled Trifecta: Peer Review, Academia & Tenure

We welcome Peter Frishauf as an author on our blog. Peter is on the Editorial Board [brief bio] of our Society’s Journal of Participatory Medicine, and as described below, has already authored some important material on this subject. His first post here is...
