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The Medical Humanity of Oliver Sacks: In His Own Words

We science-medicine-poetry junkies, along with a sizeable portion of the world’s population, are mourning the death of Oliver Sacks, the neurologist and author who died last Sunday from metastasized melanoma. And as enthusiasts of Dr. Sacks’ catechisms on the soul of...

Opening the Door to Closeted Science

NOTE: We’re happy to welcome back Sarah Greene, one of the founding members in 2009 of SPM and its journal. She left a while ago for London, where she’s continued her work at the leading edge of thought about medical knowledge.  Sarah is ahead of most of...

My Right to Data, Happiness, and a Long and Healthy Life

“To alienate [patients] from their own decision making is to change them into objects.” – P. Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed The newly drafted Declaration of Health Data Rights, created by patient advocates, caregivers, health care professionals, technology and...

Bartering for your health

The wonderfully helpful NYTimes series Patient Money reported Friday on the topic of Opaque Inc., as posted recently here by Gilles. The article, Bargaining Down the Medical Bills, gives practical advice about how to negotiate your doctor, lab, and hospital fees. The...
