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Rate a Doctor?

For years Doc Tom urged us to facilitate patients’ publicly rating doctors as a way to accelerate e-pateints movement. Alan (DrGreene) was excited about this, even though he was a physician, but I was afraid it would open Pandora’s box. In the winter of...

Patient Centered Health Information Technology

Does anyone else remember those Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials from the 1980s? “Your peanut butter is in my chocolate!” “Your chocolate is in my peanut butter!” I knew I was getting older when I referred to a partnership as a...

The Democratization of Academic Medicine

A post many weeks ago by Andrew Leonard in his blog “How the World Works” mused about the significance of the declining number of publications from “top” academic economists. It was July 26, so the original post is in the archives here. (a day...

Where Online Health Will Be

Tom Ferguson’s White Paper, “e-patients: how they can help us heal health care,” was many years in development. Early in the process Tom convened a gathering at Commonweal in Bolinas, CA. He invited many of the people who came together to form the “e-Patients Scholars...
