e-Patients Blog
The blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Want to be a contributor?
From the Heart: My Patient Engagement Journey
When my daughter Ada was an infant, a cardiologist told me that she needed open heart surgery, the sooner the better. Ada had been born with a small hole in her heart (a VSD), which, the doctor said, could stunt her growth and potentially cause heart failure or brain...
Manifesto Made Real: Sharing My Story Helps Others Share Theirs
Stories have the power to punch you in the gut. Of course I mean figuratively, but in many real ways, literally too. I literally feel pain--coupled with inspiration--when fellow cancer survivors share their experiences, struggles and fears. Stories have the power to...
Health Information Technology Must Enhance Collaboration and Patient Care
The pressures of healthcare payment has forced physicians to move patients through the office as quickly as possible, and that is robbing us of high-value services that we can provide, particularly to educate and engage in shared decision making with our patients. I...
Moving Forward to Make SPM Stronger
As you know over the past year we at SPM have been involved in rethinking our organization. How can we make it stronger? More sustainable? More impactful? And more meaningful to our members and corporate partners? As part of this we are restructuring the organization...
Shake up the System: Sign & Share the Participatory Medicine Manifesto!
Time for change! The theme of our 2019 conference was #Time4Change. This post kicks off a major 2021 campaign for our Society: the Participatory Medicine Manifesto. At that event we took action: in a design-thinking exercise, attendees crowdsourced the ideas that have...
Trust is Complicated: Person-First Safe Living in a Pandemic Part 3
Trust in COVID19 times depends on context: circumstances, historical identity, tolerance for risk, comfort with uncertainty, attitude about individual rights and social responsibility, critical thinking & more. Introducing a trust label. Podcast episode here...
We’re Looking for an Executive Director to Join the Society
Have you heard? The Society for Participatory Medicine (SPM) is hiring an Executive Director. You can read more about the position here and how to apply. Please pass the job description along to your professional network as well as anyone you may know who may be...
Power of People. Pause and Trust. Lynne Becker
Designing clinical trials for and with people with Traumatic Brain Injury. Lynne Becker looking forward over time, not backward. Building a business. Proem You know the old story of the researcher looking for their lost keys under the streetlight when they lost them...
Marketing & Communications Rockstars Wanted!
The Society for Participatory Medicine (SPM) is looking for some rock stars to join our Marketing committee and to help change the world. If you would like to volunteer or know someone who may be interested, please take a look. We are a fun, high energy team committed...
Person-First Safe Living in a Pandemic: Part 2: Finding Guidance
How do regular people find evidence-informed guidance to help make decisions about safe living in a pandemic? Questions answered when needed in a useful manner? Part 2 in this Person-First approach. Join our journey. Proem A few weeks ago, on this podcast, I...
Leadership Transition, Part 2: Meet Mary Hennings
Hi Fellow SPM Members, As a follow up to the note from Danny Sands on Monday, I would like to provide you with an update on some of the exciting strategy work a group of board members and others undertook this summer and fall. Much has changed in the world at large...
Leadership Transition, Part 1
Leadership transitions are an essential part of the maturity of any organization. I have been board chair of Society for Participatory Medicine (SPM) for many years and now it is time to pass the torch to Mary Hennings so that I may become our first chief advocacy...