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Aug 9th Exec Minutes

Present: Sarah, John, Dave, Michale, Deb Misc Confirming that we should only have 13 board members (correction on the website needs to be made to remove Cheryl Greene) Dave circulated another summary of bylaws situation & recap of the Chair position to be...

July 26th Executive Minutes

7/26/12 9:05 PST Danny S., Michael M., Sarah K., Dave dB., Deb L., Alan G. Exec Committee Nominations 2 Member at Large 1 Secretary position Nominations are already coming in but IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU’D LIKE TO NOMINATE PLEASE EMAIL sarahkrug1810 at gmail Exec...

Executive Meeting Minutes July 19th

Agenda 1. Board meeting 7/19 planning (Alan, Sarah, Danny) 2. Board reconstitution, nominations, and elections update 3. Strategic plan update (Sarah) 4. Seal update (Alan) 5. Executive director (John) 6. Forum platform (John, others) 7. Mendeley update (Gonzalo)...

July 19th 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

July 19th 2012 8:30a PST Present: Alan G., Terry G., Danny S., Indu S., Michael M., Gonzalo G., Dave dB., David L., Sarah K., Deb L. Welcome  (Alan) Approval of...

January 19th Board Meeting

SPM Board Meeting-20120119 1715-1 Thursday, January 19, 2012 12:15 pm  EST Time 1 Hour 17 Minutes 1/19/12 9am PT/noon ET 1. Welcome, and Minutes: – Alan Greene ‘Update’ items below are chances to hear quickly what is going on as a springboard to focused conversation....