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Join the e-Patient Scholars for a conversation on The WELL. Here’s a great quote: “When the Internet industry is booming and investors are interested, we start focusing too much on the technology, because there are so many new technologies hoping to attract users and...

Rate a Doctor?

For years Doc Tom urged us to facilitate patients’ publicly rating doctors as a way to accelerate e-pateints movement. Alan (DrGreene) was excited about this, even though he was a physician, but I was afraid it would open Pandora’s box. In the winter of...

MicroSoft & e-Patients?

Personal Heath records have long been an issue for e-Patients. Today MicroSoft announced that they have the answer: Although no launch date announcements have been made by Google, the rumor is they are working on the answer, too. Looks like the...

This just in from Health 2.0

Yesterday was the landmark Health 2.0 conference (user-generated Healthcare) held in San Francisco. The event was hosted by Matthew Holt and Indu Subalya, MD. Originally envisioned as about a hundred folks getting together for a day to push the movement forward, this...

Making the world a better place …

I checked my calendar today, 7/7/07 and found two important events — Live Earth concert and Tom Ferguson’s birthday. In honor of Tom’s birthday, I decided to wear my e-patients t-shirt, one of the last things Tom gave me. It says, “healthcare....
