by e-Patient Dave | Oct 6, 2012
I’ve often said that we won’t really be making a dent until our conversations show up in the popular culture – outside health and technology circles. Well, I just spotted a great example: yesterday Janet Gallin, host of the San Francisco talk show...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 4, 2012
We’ve often written here about what a visionary our movement’s founder “Doc Tom” Ferguson was. As the medical editor of The Whole Earth Catalog and publisher of the magazine and book Medical Self-Care , he saw the role of the patient and family...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 1, 2012
Regular readers know that we’ve long anticipated the result of the OpenNotes project. Our first post about it was in June 2010: “OpenNotes” project begins: what happens when patients can see the physician’s visit notes? It tied the issue all the way back to...
by e-Patient Dave | Sep 30, 2012
I’ll be blunt here: three years ago, late 2009, when I gave my first keynote speech ever, many observers said “Well Dave, that’s fine for you, but you’re the only one.” I replied: if I’m the only one, there’s nothing to talk...
by e-Patient Dave | Sep 20, 2012
I was in Maine last night, speaking to the annual meeting of the excellent (and very E) Maine Quality Counts, which is one of the sixteen Aligning Forces for Quality (@AligningForces) communities, a project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer...
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