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“Check the box for e-Patient”

From SPM member Keith Boone, author of the e-Patient Rap, whose first verse I did in my TEDx Maastricht talk: My daughter did something interesting a couple of weeks ago when we went to her pediatrician’s office. We asked for her records, and she told the clerk...

KQED blog on Hugo Campos and his quest to access his data

KQED blogger and SPM member Eve Harris has written a great brief piece on Hugo’s desire to access the data from his implanted defibrillator, beginning: Hugo Campos was apologetic about postponing a scheduled interview with me two weeks ago. In a midday email he...

Storify feed from Health FOO this weekend

Here’s a quick starter note – I hope to say more later. Health FOO is a by-invitation “unconference” from O’Reilly Media and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation this weekend at Microsoft’s development center in Cambridge, MA.  SPM...
