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X PRIZE Blog Rally:
$10M for Health Care Innovators

Scott Shreeve, MD, Senior Health Advisor at The X Prize Foundation and frequent THCB contributor, has asked the health care blogosphere to take part in this blog rally in order to raise awareness about the Healthcare X Prize Foundation competition and encourage public...

Participatory Medicine: What Is It For You?

As the meme is now firmly accepted, I thought we ought to have another round of definition crowdsourcing. If you use the term please stop here for a minute and let us know what it means to you. I will summarize the responses and use the results to update the wikipedia...

Meaningful Use: The Elephant IS In The Room

Comparative Effectiveness:  a  comparison of the impact of different options that are available for treating a given  medical condition for a particular set of patients. Such studies may compare  similar treatments, such as competing drugs, or they may analyze very...

PLEASE, No More Magical Thinking in HIT!

Magical thinking: the ability to draw conclusions that are based on a person’s desire for what reality should be, not necessarily upon what reality actually is. Cargo Cult HIT:  Concepts in HIT that follow all the apparent precepts and forms of evidence-based...
