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A wonderful story of participatory medicine

Amy Marcus, in today’s WSJ,  wrote a powerful article about a mom moving medical mountains to help her twin daughters survive a rare and deadly disease. Entitled “A Mom Brokers Treatment for Her Twins’ Fatal Illness. Bucking Scientific Convention,...

Dr. Reuben deeply regrets that this happened!

This is the third post in the unfortunate series about conflicts of interest. You must be kiddin’! That’s all Scott Reuben, MD, the doctor Scientific American calls “a medical Madoff”, had to say after putting the last two handful of nails into...

I Am “A Nobody & A Nothing” & I’m Proud Of It!

In our continuous series about undeclared conflicts of interest comes a great blog post from the Wall Street Journal. In it JAMA’s editor in chief, Catherine DeAngelis, M.D, interviewed about a certain Jonathan Leo, had these choice words to describe him:...

Opaque, Inc.

Cross-posted from my own blog. Truth be told, at present, the activities of “La Cosa Nostra” are more transparent that what goes on in the health care system. The only certainty I have, as an individual trying to figure out what is not wrong with the...
