by e-Patient Dave | Aug 30, 2011
Today’s New York Times has a review of two new books, Doctors with Plenty of Time for Patients. Reviewer Abigail Zuger MD says “Suppose … you could actually rent the doctor’s attention for as long as you needed it?” In these books two doctor...
by e-Patient Dave | Apr 18, 2011
Two years ago we wrote “Let’s hear it for the ‘d-patients'” — doctors who become e-patients themselves. We said “D-patients prove that patient empowerment is anything but anti-doctor. Heck, sometimes it’s a doctor preservation...
by e-Patient Dave | Mar 4, 2011
Yesterday (March 3), NPR’s popular program “Talk of the Nation” covered something we discuss often: how e-patients find information and find each other, online. Featured guests were Pat Furlong, mother of two boys with a rare disease, who started an...
by e-Patient Dave | Dec 20, 2010
If you don’t truly understand how draining it can be to live with chronic illness, including chronic pain, go read The Spoon Theory right now. In 5 minutes it forever changed my own awareness of my wife’s arthritis and bone pain. On Twitter I saw...
by Susannah Fox | Nov 30, 2010
What evidence would you bring to convince cancer researchers and policy makers to pay attention to how the internet is changing health and health care? That’s my challenge for the Dec. 14 meeting of the President’s Cancer Panel, “The Future of Cancer...
by e-Patient Dave | Nov 29, 2010
Ted Eytan drew our attention to a real-time example of participatory thinking, in the case of his friend Matt, an engineer who’s recently been diagnosed with MS. His post This is what $8,000 worth of drugs looks like tells the story, including videos of two...
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