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HHS posts Consumer e-Health job. Apply by 8/16.

Josh Seidman, Director of Meaningful Use, sent this. It’s for a two year full time job in DC, possibly extendable. No relocation costs will be paid – you’re on yer own. :–) From what I hear, talking to people working in HHS these days, “full...

Maggie Mahar on Doctors & Patients Sharing Information

Prolific, unsinkable Maggie Mahar commented today on the Century Foundation’s HealthBeat blog about Paul Levy’s “Yes, Patients Can Help Their Doctors” introduction to my forthcoming book. Among other things she pointed out, correctly, that not...

e-Patient Judy Feder’s time runs out

As many of you know, a hard part of being in the world of cancer fighters is that sometimes we lose one. I’m sad to report the passing on April 23 of Judy Feder, who shared her powerful e-patient story here just a year ago. Please re-read how, through her...

Patients Like Me beats Lancet Neurology by a mile

Patient networks for the win! MIT Technology Review: “Earlier this month, the journal Lancet Neurology published a study showing that the generic drug lithium did nothing to slow the course of ALS … Eighteen months earlier, PatientsLikeMe, a for-profit...
