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Why the Journal of Participatory Medicine?

Next week at the  Connected Health Symposium in Boston, the Society for Participatory Medicine will launch its new journal. In keeping with the society’s spirit of physician-patient partnership, the Co-Editors in Chief are a physician and a patient: Charlie...

Recommended 2-minute video: “Patient Revolution”

If you haven’t already, please watch this, which is the best concise introduction to e-patients and participatory medicine I’ve seen: Susannah Fox mentioned this video six weeks ago, in a quickie post in our “found on the net” sidebar. But that...

Keep an eye out for tomorrow morning’s post

In our “Why Participatory Medicine” series, leading up to the October 21 launch of the Journal of Participatory Medicine, tomorrow’s guest post will be a special treat for me. It contains a breakthrough insight about participatory medicine, and...
