by e-Patient Dave | Jun 12, 2012
I’ve received an interesting request: Women Executives in Healthcare, a Hartford professional organization, will hold a meeting this fall themed around “Who owns your data?” And they asked, what are patients’ top five issues? Of course I have...
by Kathleen O'Malley | May 7, 2012
E-Patient Hugo Campos, whose quest to obtain his medical data has been followed by the media (including this blog) over the past several months, appears in a new interview in He discusses a common fear of e-patients — that he may be perceived by...
by e-Patient Dave | Jan 24, 2012
Another potent guest post by SPM member Alexandra Albin, @MsAxolotl. If this doesn’t give you a sense of who is “the ultimate stakeholder” in health matters, nothing will. Remember, “patient” is not a third person word. Your time will...
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