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Some people just won’t take death for an answer.

We often talk here about empowered patients’ struggles to get – or even create – the care they need. Usually we’re talking about it in a medical sense. But as far too many people know, sometimes there are other obstacles. Laurie Todd is, to me,... = suggested reading

Gretchen Berland is one of my heroes, so I was thrilled when she asked me to give a guest lecture at Yale. Then I read the syllabus for “Media & Medicine in Modern America.” It’s too cool to keep to myself… The organizing themes for the...

What’s the point of Health 2.0?

…The remaining 95% of “patients” out there are not motivated to become informed, or invest the time/energy/money in using any of these tools. These are the folks that know that fast food isn’t healthy, but are just too tired to choose differently. Some (emphasis on...
