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JAMA: Reducing the Trauma of Hospitalization

Thanks to member Marilyn Mann for sharing this free article in JAMA with a suggestion on how to better personalize the patient’s hospital stay – really sensible suggestions. One reads them and wonders why they are not in place already. An excerpt: Stress...

e-Patient Lisa Adams

In this guest blog post, member Carly Medosch describes Lisa Adams whom she knows from social media. Lisa Adams was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and documented her journey in social media. In another post below we describe the media firestorm that was caused...

A parent speaks: “Our child’s disease is OUR disease”

Susannah: On June 14, 2013, I attended the National Meeting on Promoting and Sustaining Collaborative Networks in Pediatrics where we discussed topics covered in a special issue of Pediatrics, among other initiatives and trends. Justin Vandergrift was one of the...
