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Fred Trotter: Data, damn data, and statistics

Why does this blog use the word “damn” so often? A search produces a whopping 38 hits, such as: Fools! Damn fools! And Medical Science (Right, Santa??) Atlantic: Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science “Gimme my damn data!” The stage is being set to enable...

Caremark, Prescriptions and Personal Information

A friend of mine, Ms. S., recently had an unsettling experience with a company called Caremark (the parent company of pharmacy CVS), whom she fills her prescriptions through. She was reordering a prescription refill she buys through the mail, and needed to pay for it....

The Decision Tree: How Better Health Can Scale

“The internet was created to connect people and groups. The first step is to share stories. The next step is to share quantitative observations.” “Health care has been locked up in regulatory amber. HIPAA was passed in 1996, almost perfectly timed to...
