by e-Patient Dave | Oct 20, 2011
It’s wise to make healthy things fun, and even wiser to make them social (as touted by SPM member Phil Baumann RN’s Health Is Social). This week at the Mayo Center for Social Media, guru Lee Aase (@LeeAase) introduced a program that does both: a catchy...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 19, 2011
Last week at a gala in Beverly Hills, our society’s co-founder Dr. Alan Greene was honored for his amazingly effective, empowering, democratizing WhiteOut initiative, which in six months has radically altered pediatricians’ recommendations about...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 14, 2011
In any movement there’s a stage of maturation, where aspirations get fleshed out with specifics. That time is arriving for participatory medicine. As patient engagement (aka consumer engagement) Â earns attention, the question increasingly arises: “Where do...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 11, 2011
Participatory medicine requires an empowered partnership, in which patients express their wants and pursue their goals in partnership with providers who hear them and work together. And that’s not just about the biology. In this powerful narrative, a hospital...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 5, 2011
We’ve often said here that when an e-patient wants to be responsible for treatment decisions, it’s essential to know how to evaluate the research about each option. A common mistake is to trust, blindly, news reports about a treatment, or even to trust,...
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