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What if health care…?

For over a year I’ve been the accidental manager of a community garden. All I did — I swear — is point out an open plot of land and people started pitching in, planting, asking friends to join them. All of a sudden we’d transformed a bare patch...

Health Online 2013: survey data as vital sign

Survey data is a snapshot of a population, a moment captured in numbers, like vital signs: height, weight, temperature, blood pressure, etc. People build trend lines and watch for changes, shifting strategies as they make educated guesses about what’s going on....

Top 5 Posts of 2012

I was curious to see which were the top 5 posts, traffic-wise, and figured readers might be interested, too. Here’s the line-up: #1: Open knowledge saves lives. Oppose H.R. 3699! by Gilles Frydman The post with the highest number of views is a...

The Waiting Room

Check out the documentary film, The Waiting Room, set in the emergency department of Highland Hospital in Oakland, CA. I wrote a post about a screening and discussion in DC last night and I’m hoping to get a report from tonight’s Cambridge, MA, event. If...
