by Ileana Balcu | Aug 1, 2016
This is a guest blog post by Cleo Kordomenos. Cleo was my student in the New Media and Health Communication class I taught at TCNJ. More about the class is shared in this post. Cleo Kordomenos is a Senior Communication Studies student at The College of New Jersey...
by e-Patient Dave | Jul 29, 2016
A patient’s ability to choose the provider they want depends largely on information – same as any other choice, right? So this blog has long praised The Leapfrog Group for its deep analysis and publication of hospital quality and safety data, through its...
by e-Patient Dave | Jul 21, 2016
Voting ends Sunday July 31 Patient activists who attend conferences know that it’s been a long climb to get patient voices welcomed. The #PatientsIncluded movement has been around for years, making small dents, but Health 2.0 is one of the best:Â while they...
by e-Patient Dave | Jun 15, 2016
Tuesday morning in Washington, the Post hosted a 2-1/2 hour event on improving healthcare, with numerous speakers on several topics. Of special interest to SPM is this 26 minute segment that includes OpenNotes, which we’ve often written about. OpenNotes director...
by Michael Millenson | Jun 3, 2016
On social media and at meetings like Health Datapalooza, our favorite federal bureaucrats assure us of their commitment to open data and patient empowerment. But those are just soothing words; federal regulations are law. On April 30, I posted on an...
by Nancy Finn | Jun 1, 2016
Computer Crime is the misuse of a computer or associated electronic networking system in order to commit illegal and unlawful acts. Computer crimes range from the illegal use of the internet to the unlawful accessing of information stored in computer systems. In...
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