by e-Patient Dave | Nov 4, 2012
This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This blog...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 23, 2012
USA Today has a piece today on HealthGrades, one of the sites that provide information on medical outcomes and safety. The data show that quality varies widely. Experienced e-patients know this, and will learn what they can about their local treatment options....
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 22, 2012
TEDMED last April was a big time for our Society. Many members were there, especially our artist-in-residence Regina Holliday and videographer Ross Martin, who collected the footage for his now-famous Gimme My DaM Data video. And, as we reported here, The Role of the...
by Ileana Balcu | Oct 17, 2012
Hash-Day on Tweet Chat at #s4pm on Weds, 10/17 In honor of Social Media Week (at Mayo in MN; #mayoragan) and with a nod to @hjluks (of the @Symplur hashtag project) our #s4pm chat theme this week will be about #hcsm and the topic is: “How Do You Like To...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 9, 2012
We’ve long written here about Health News Review, the terrifically empowering and educational news-dissection service started by Gary Schwitzer and now involving numerous writers. Health News Review was modeled after a similar service in Australia started by Ray...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 7, 2012
This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This blog...
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