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Why Electronic Medical Records Still Leak

I hear it time and time again in the e-health industry: “If only we had everyone on an electronic medical record, all of our security and privacy issues would be solved!” Really? Perhaps I should introduce you to a little something psychologists like to...

Senator Ted Kennedy was an e-patient

CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen makes a compelling case in her column today: How to get Kennedy-esque health care on your budget. Anyone with internet access can gather the information they need to make better health decisions, as e-Patient Dave and Karen Parles did, and...

What do YOU think they mean by “health reform”?

After hearing about 800 million mentions of “healthcare reform” in the past couple of months, this weekend I visited my normal (not-HC-geek) family in Maryland for Mom’s 80th birthday.  (Woohoo! Large clan descends, six siblings and most of the...
