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e-Patient Manifesto: “Patients Included”

In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his “Ninety-Five Theses” to the wooden doors of Wittenberg Cathedral, sparking a global reformation of the Christian faith that’s still going on today. In the 1950s and 1960s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. worked to drive inclusion for all in...

Rainbow Button – 2013 Edition

Meaningful Use Stage 2 includes the requirement that health care providers with EHRs seeking Meaningful Use incentive dollars demonstrate that 5% of patients actually view, download or transmit their data. The HIPAA/HITECH Omnibus Rule, which is now fully in effect...

Flip the Flip

Guest blogger Natasha Gajewski participated in the Flip the Clinic meeting at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Below are her observations about the meeting and a thought you might consider.  Natasha is an e-Patient and the developer of Symple, a symptom journal for...
