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Putting patients into “meaningful use”

The Health Research Institute at PricewaterhouseCoopers released a report today entitled Putting patients into “meaningful use.” It begins with the anecdote I’ve blogged about previously regarding a diagnosis by Facebook in lieu of a PHR, which some...

What people living with disability can teach us

The Pew Internet Project recently issued a short report noting that people living with disability are less likely than other adults in the U.S. to use the internet: 54%, compared with 81%. The first question many people ask when they hear that is, Why? The second is,...

SPM’s response to the PCAST recommendation on Health IT

Click the image to view the letter we submitted last week to ONC, commenting on the December 10 report of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) about health IT. The response was driven by SPM policy chair David Harlow and approved...
