by Alan Greene | May 27, 2009
Not Your Father’s Doctor-Patient Relationship – A Positively Revolutionary Approach In pediatrics, research has shown that not all parenting styles produce equal outcomes. Researchers often categorize parenting styles into four groups according to parents’ level of...
by Sarah Greene | May 11, 2009
My son graduated from college last year and is now in Nepal, visiting schools and writing about rural education under the Maoist regime. He was excited to tell me, when I visited him recently in India, about how a classic book on education, Pedagogy of the Oppressed...
by Gilles Frydman | May 6, 2009
Clinicians, the Government, and many other groups are working hard to improve health care quality, but it’s a team effort. You can improve your care and the care of your loved ones by taking an active role in your health care. Ask questions. Understand your...
by Gilles Frydman | Apr 3, 2009
Amy Marcus, in today’s WSJ, wrote a powerful article about a mom moving medical mountains to help her twin daughters survive a rare and deadly disease. Entitled “A Mom Brokers Treatment for Her Twins’ Fatal Illness. Bucking Scientific Convention,...
by e-Patient Dave | Mar 19, 2009
Update 3/21: For easier reference, I’m editing this to incorporate some goodies from comments below. Here’s a little game that just might turn into something transformational. Since I started learning about this world of participatory medicine, I’ve...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 14, 2009
Cross-posted from my own blog, and then some E-patients, listen up. We have work to do, work we can do. For the past year I’ve been learning what I can about the American healthcare system. I started this not as an “injured” patient but as someone...
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