by e-Patient Dave | Feb 17, 2015
Dr. Donald Lindberg, long-time director of the National Library of Medicine, is surely the single most-quoted authority from “Doc Tom” Ferguson’s e-Patient White Paper. In almost every speech I’ve given in the past five years I’ve used...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 12, 2015
Our Society for Participatory Medicine is all about effective patient-clinician partnerships, and to us that simply requires patient access to all information about the case. As SPM co-founder Dr. Danny Sands often says in his speeches, “How can patients...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 11, 2015
This is a great week for SPM, for our colleagues at the Stanford Medicine X conference, and for everyone else who’s been working for years to shift medicine’s thinking about the role of the patient: Yesterday the BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal)...
by e-Patient Dave | Jan 27, 2015
There are times in a movement when value is revealed and recognized, and you know something real is happening. In the engaged-patient movement, the first I noticed was when Amy Tenderich’s Diabetes Mine blog (and its community) was acquired several years ago....
by Casey Quinlan | Dec 16, 2014
In a report released today (December 16, 2014), Consumer Reports shares insights from a survey of 1,200 people who were recently hospitalized. SPM is not surprised by the findings, which include the fact that patients who said they received respectful treatment by...
by Casey Quinlan | Dec 12, 2014
This post by long-time SPM member Michael Millenson first appeared on the blog. We’re re-posting it here to both put it on the membership’s radar, and to invite comments on Michael’s POV that “As much as we can argue that...
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