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e-Patients Blog

The blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Want to be a contributor?

Patient Engagement: More Bark than Bite? Let’s Get to Work!

Patient Engagement: More Bark than Bite? Let’s Get to Work!

Why the Movement Needs a Breakthrough, and How You Can Help Guest post by SPM member Tyson Ortiz (right), a highly committed member of SPM who works in organizational culture change. His previous post, How I became an e-patient: through practice, with coaching (using...

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“Have you seen the stuff Jarche writes?”

“Have you seen the stuff Jarche writes?”

The image above is from the blog post described below. SPM board member-at-large Peter Elias MD is a recently retired family physician who says he's always practiced participatory medicine, long before he knew it had a name. He's contributing a terrific amount of his...

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Care Coordination, The Holy Grail of Good Medicine

Appropriate patient care revolves around a team of individuals that includes the patient, a variety of clinicians and other providers, caretakers and patient advocates. The members of this team must collaborate to ensure that the best possible decisions are made on...

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My Mother’s Scrap of Paper

My Mother’s Scrap of Paper

I'm known in social media for my role as @EMRAnswers. Most people don't know the personal and family pain that makes me know how important this is. Here it is. (That's me above, sharing my story at the Walking Gallery meetup at HIMSS in 2015 - more on this in a...

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Sarah Krüg’s TedX: “The Patient Doctor Tango”

Sarah Krüg’s TedX: “The Patient Doctor Tango”

This may be the best short talk ever about the importance of participatory medicine. SPM’s past president Sarah Krüg (@SaraKrug1) recently did a 10 minute TEDx Talk in Brussels. It’s one of those rare ones that’s pretty riveting. Watch it....

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Learning More from ‘Less is More’ Medicine

Learning More from ‘Less is More’ Medicine

(part three of three) Lessons from Quebec for Choosing Wisely and Less is More Medicine After a busy few days tracking topics around the researchers and policy-makers at a recent "Preventing Overdiagnosis" conference in Quebec aimed at reducing over-treatment in...

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The Society for Participatory Medicine’s ePatients blog highlights items of interest to those in the world of e-patients and participatory medicine. Some of our most popular topics include e-patient stories, e-patient resources, problems in healthcare, medical records, news & gossip, patient networks, policy issues, positive patterns, patient/doctor co-care, patients as teachers, reforming healthcare, trends & principles, and why participatory medicine. Our newest blog posts are below. You can also subscribe to our blog via email.

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John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

Dr. John M. Grohol, Psy.D. is a psychologist and technologist who specializes in examining and writing about the confluence of patient rights, technology, and mental health. In 1995, he founded Psych Central, the world's leading independent mental health site overseen by mental health professionals, which was acquired by Healthline in 2020. He founded and continues to oversee the independent online support group community for mental health concerns, My Support Forums since 2001. He is a co-founder of the Society for Participatory Medicine.
