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Crowdsourcing Curriculum on Consumer Health Informatics

What do you think should be included in a course in Consumer Health Informatics (CHI)  in a graduate medical informatics program? I know a graduate curriculum begging for input from the most engaged and empowered consumers, patient advocates, and technology and health...

Major cover story in Healthcare IT News

Healthcare IT News is one of the most important – if not the most important – health IT publications. With readership of 54,000, it’s seen by a lot of important “eyeballs,” as they say in marketing. And in this time of critical change, as...

On the road to shared office visits

Guest blogger Peter Elias, MD  describes his journey on opening up his office notes to patients. Peter is a family physician in active primary care practice since 1977, co-founder of a group practice now owned by a hospital-based multi specialty group, with a...
