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Health 2.0 Europe: A Moveable Feast

Ernest Hemingway wrote that Paris is a moveable feast, not fixed in time or place. I think that describes great gatherings of any kind, including great conferences, which begin before the first speaker takes the stage and don’t end simply because the...

Health Data is Useful… if it Informs Conversations

Dr. Roni Zeiger, MD is currently Chief Health Strategist at Google where he has helped create and lead Google Health.  He continues to see patients on occasional evenings and weekends at a local urgent care center.  Roni earned his MD at Stanford and completed his...

Chronic Disease in Data and Narrative

For the past 5 months I have been immersed in data and narrative about chronic disease. The result, “Chronic Disease and the Internet,” is a report sponsored by the Pew Internet Project and the California HealthCare Foundation. We find that living with a...
