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e-Patient Judy Feder’s time runs out

As many of you know, a hard part of being in the world of cancer fighters is that sometimes we lose one. I’m sad to report the passing on April 23 of Judy Feder, who shared her powerful e-patient story here just a year ago. Please re-read how, through her...
41% of Adults are “Activated Patients”

41% of Adults are “Activated Patients”

The Center for Studying Health System Change has released another information-packed report, How Engaged Are Consumers in Their Health and Health Care, and Why Does It Matter.   The researchers created a “Patient Activation Measure” and apparently 41% of...

An e-Patient Hero Leaves Us

Most of us know Randy Pausch from his video lecture “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”, taped at Carnegie Mellon as part of their “Last Lecture” series. His hope and optimism in light of a crushing diagnosis brought millions up short as they...
