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Participatory medicine and health data rights on NPR

NPR’s Morning Edition story, “Patients Turn to Online Buddies for Help Healing,” combined research and real-life examples, participatory medicine and health data rights. Much of what I said during my interview with Joseph Shapiro is based on what...

Health IT Policy: E-patients want access

What would you say to policymakers who are discussing the implementation of a national health information infrastructure? Here’s what I’d say: E-patients want access to tools and information.  Many will find what they need, many will not. You can help....

HIPAA’s Broken Promise

If you hate HIPAA, it’s your lucky day. Paul Ohm is handing you ammunition in his article, “Broken Promises of Privacy: Responding to the Surprising Failure of Anonymization.” His argument: our current information privacy structure is a house built on sand....
