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Monthly introduction to

This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This...

Happy Birthday Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

On July 30, 2015, Medicare and Medicaid will celebrate their 50th birthday. In August of 2015 Social Security, celebrates its 80th birthday. Amendments to the Social Security Act (Title XIX) that established guaranteed basic health coverage programs for all elderly,...

Monthly introduction to

This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This...

No Rhyme or Reason

We have read and heard a lot about the disparities in the cost of care from one hospital or clinic to another. We have read and heard a lot of grumbling about the uneven availability of health care services in this country. Many of us have been outraged to learn that...

The Role of Dignity in Health Care

Every patient wants to be treated with dignity.  However, when you are sitting in a doctor’s exam room, holding together a hospital gown that somehow does not want to completely fit around you, or close properly, it is difficult to feel that you have any dignity. ...
