by Susan Woods | Nov 12, 2013
Any of us would probably have paid to be at the gathering of over 1000 medical school deans, faculty and residents at last week’s American Association of Medical College’s (AAMC) meeting to hear Anna Quindlen deliver her speech, Healthcare in an Age of...
by e-Patient Dave | Nov 8, 2013
Latest update below: 7:39 a.m. ET On my personal site I’m blogging about the second annual Patients In Power conference happening today and tomorrow in Athens, Greece, organized by SPM member Kathi Apostolidis. 7:39 a.m. ET – The European Charter of...
by e-Patient Dave | Nov 3, 2013
This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This...
by Ileana Balcu | Oct 11, 2013
Guest blogger Janice McCallum shared her interview from the StrataRx conference. Janice McCallum is a health data strategist at Health Content Advisors. Her blog and tweets (@janicemccallum) reflect her focus on the value of information to all healthcare stakeholders...
by Ileana Balcu | Oct 9, 2013
Guest blogger Kathy Kastner gives us an overview of the Patients 2.0 session at the Health 2.0 conference. Kathy Kastner is Blogger and Curator for and I was so pleased to have SPM president, Sarah Krug, invite me to present at...
by e-Patient Dave | Oct 8, 2013
This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This...
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