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SPM is hiring a Development Director

The Society for Participatory Medicine is hiring and looking for an experienced Director of Development. Are you interested or do you know someone in your network who might be? Here’s the information & instructions on how to apply:...

Monthly introduction to

This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This...

Monthly introduction to

This is our monthly introduction to, blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Follow the Society on Twitter (@S4PM), Facebook, and LinkedIn.  Here’s how to become a Society member, individual or corporate. Our publications: This...

What I Wish I’d Known Earlier…

This summer, I am reflecting and writing about what I wish that I had known earlier about getting good care following active cancer treatment, based on my experience with five different cancer diagnoses and what I have learned from others. If you have been diagnosed...
