by e-Patient Dave | Jun 17, 2013
Last year during TEDMED 2012, in “The cancer at the core of evidence-based medicine”: Ben Goldacre on the missing data, we covered the vitally important news that a lot of medical research has gone missing, leading to a severely corrupted foundation for evidence-based...
by Susannah Fox | May 28, 2013
The Pew Research Center will release a new report about caregivers in June. As we prepare, I’m looking for stories to share with reporters so they can better understand the context for our data. If you have experience caring for a family member, a friend, or a...
by Susannah Fox | Feb 9, 2013
For over a year I’ve been the accidental manager of a community garden. All I did — I swear — is point out an open plot of land and people started pitching in, planting, asking friends to join them. All of a sudden we’d transformed a bare patch...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 6, 2013
Major typo fix, 3:23pm – “they’re giving” is not same as “they’re given”! Sorry. This note arrived today from the Institute of Medicine. I’m in DC at the moment, at a big briefing by the Health Affairs policy journal...
by Kathleen O'Malley | Feb 5, 2013
Guest blogger Cristin Lind is an e-caregiver and e-patient; her personal blog is called Durga’s Toolbox. When trying to find a definition for what real patient- or family-centered care looks like, I can easily to get caught up in inspirational jargon. But a...
by e-Patient Dave | Jan 18, 2013
SPM member Marge Benham-Hutchins (see her December post) spotted this item. It’s a vital point for patient and family awareness, leading to patient engagement – patients as responsible drivers of their health. I added the italics below. From a recent...
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