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OpenNotes & Transparency: Ongoing conversation

OpenNotesOne of our MD members, Peter Elias, tipped us off on our listserv to a post on from a clinician who was expressing concern about the wisdom of OpenNotes, and fully sharing information with patients in general. Peter posted a comment, which we...

The Iceberg Waiting for Your Health Care Data

The Heartbleed web security exploit was first publicized several weeks ago. In the time since then, numerous web-based services have let their users know (some more clearly than others) whether and how their data security was compromised by this OpenSSL flaw that has...

Health Information Exchange: We’re not there yet

This post was originally a comment by SPM member Jeffrey Harris on our C-ME post from April 3, 2014. Jeffrey has a long history as a clinician, a health IT strategist, and as a patient. We thought his commentary deserved its own post. I had the opportunity to moderate...

It’s time to C-ME (see me): Consumer Mediated Exchange

By Mark Branning and Brad Tritle Mark Branning is Principal at mdb Healthcare IT Solutions, Adjunct Professor at National University, a member of the HIMSS  Connected Patient Committee and co-chair of the Connected Patient Community.  Mr. Branning has spent 33 years...
