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Erin Moore: “Your message did not fall on deaf ears.”

Last week SPM member Erin Moore (see her previous posts) handled an opportunity in Washington really effectively, and she got heard. Here’s a cross-post of her news, with permission, from her blog 66 Roses. ______________ Last week I traveled to Washington, DC...

What’s the PATIENT value in health IT?

Since HIMSS14, there’s been a robust discussion on the SPM listserv about the “business of IT” in healthcare. There were a number of our number present in Orlando for the HIMSS conference, with some of them appearing on the platform. The conversation...

“Health cometh not from healthcare”

We often say here that clinicians should welcome activated patients. Hand in glove with that, we must also say: Yo, patients: get activated! Know what works, and act on it! Huzzah to Swedish SPM member and Parkinson’s patient Sara Riggare for this, on Facebook,...
