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Participatory Medicine in Time magazine

Re Time’s article “Group Therapy” in the February 8, 2010 issue, arriving on newsstands now: Time’s freelance reporter Bonnie Rochman contacted our Susannah Fox to discuss her remarks at the Institute of Medicine last October. In hours of...

What’s the point of Health 2.0?

…The remaining 95% of “patients” out there are not motivated to become informed, or invest the time/energy/money in using any of these tools. These are the folks that know that fast food isn’t healthy, but are just too tired to choose differently. Some (emphasis on...

Health Sites: Some Are More Equal Than Others

Update: Roni Zeiger of Google Health emailed me and gave permission for me to post the following statement, which I think is a helpful addition to the conversation: Health information is obviously an important category of information users are looking for. For this...

Health 2.010: New Year, New Era

This is a guest post by Lucien Engelen (Dutch Twitter friend @Zorg20), who was featured in October’s The internet is changing healthcare – video from Reshape09. Here, he takes it to the next step, moving from health 2.0 to “health 2.010”.  I love it!...
